
Psychologist can help you develop strategies and skills to better:


  • Manage daily stresses and work-life balance
  • Build self-confidence
  • Develop more fulfilling relationships
  • Improve goal setting and decision making
  • Cope with life transitions
  • Clarify direction in life and vocation

Psychologists can also help you work through a variety of personal and life issues and concerns including:

  • Addictions

  • Depression

  • Anger management

  • Anxiety

  • Grief and loss

  • Managing illness, chronic pain and disability

  • Managing painful memories and emotional distress

  • Neurodiveristy

  • Sexuality

  • Sleeping issues

  • Stress

What to Expect


During your initial sessions, your psychologist will explain how counselling works and answer any of your questions, discuss your major concerns and help you set goals that you would like to achieve. Following sessions will focus on developing and consolidating the knowledge, skills and strategies needed to achieve those goals. This is an active and dynamic process which can often involve engaging in activities between sessions to practice or refine the strategies that work best for you. For this reason, most people find it useful to meet regularly with their psychologist to support their evolving and ongoing process of change.



Your sessions are private and confidential. The information gathered during your visits is for the purposes of assessment, diagnosis and treatment, which will help us provide you with the best possible support. However, some limitations to confidentiality do apply and will be outlined during your first session prior to discussing any personal information.

Evidence based approaches


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

This generally involves a short and intense process of education and skill building that equips you to identify and manage unhelpful or unrealistic patterns of thought or behaviour. CBT is a versatile and robust approach with strong evidence to support its effectiveness. CBT takes a very active and goal focused approach towards therapy, focusing on giving the client practical steps to practice between sessions to help them change their thoughts and behaviours.


Mindfulness and Meditation

Allows us to become more aware of our experiences in the moment without judgment. Meditation allows us to disengage and distance ourselves from negative habits of mind that interfere with our ability to be happy and content.


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy(ACT)

Teaches individuals the psychological skills needed to deal with painful thoughts and feelings effectively. Accepting emotions, disengaging from distressing thoughts and engaging and committing to our deepest values to help motivate change.

Solution Focused Therapy

A therapeutic approach that focuses on what clients want to achieve through therapy, rather than on the past problems that have caused them to seek help.

Ready to make a booking?